Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Moving to Malvern. (Or Bye-Bye Blackpool.)

Gertie Merriweather gazed over the carnage that had been left in the kitchen of her lovely hotel.  Blackpool had been a bad idea.  Last night, a group of over excited members of a stag party had ridden the beachfront donkeys into the kitchen.   To add to the morning delights, on the edges of her hearing, she thought she could detect the repetitive ‘barf’ of her cat throwing up.  Enough was enough!  Gertie went to the basement, pulled the lever and with a sigh of satisfaction, smiled as the hotel started to rumble and quiver.    She was going somewhere quiet.  Somewhere sedate.  Gertie would soon be landing her hotel in Malvern.

By Mia's Mum


  1. This is one of the most imaginitive pieces so far - I absolutely love it! Also, Gertie Merriweather
    is the best name in the history of names, like, ever... wow. Brilliant writing. I think mr. Warne needs
    to give the adults some more 100 word challenges.

  2. Phoebe, I agree! What a well paced piece of writing with a great twist at the end! The cat barfing had me in stitches! Well done Mia's mum!

    Mr Warne

  3. I love it mummy and I can't think of any improvement this is by far the best 100 word challeng


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