Monday 17 November 2014

100 word challenge - by Hope's Mum, Liz.

The Seaside Boys Strike Again.

I rubbed my temples. Another headache. The sheer audacity of this latest raid by the now notorious Seaside Boys had me flummoxed. A hotel? A whole entire seafront hotel hoisted into the air and flown away to heaven only knows where by a team of crack seagull thieves! 

The Seaside Boys first appeared on my radar at the beginning of the summer with an extraordinarily well planned ice cream snatch-and-grab on a coachload of schoolchildren from Malvern. Their crime spree continued throughout the summer and I was still no closer to catching them. Stay-at-home Mum was going to be busy!

By Liz – Hope’s Mum


  1. love it I CAN NOT THINK OF ANY inprovement stunning vocab well done mummy

  2. Very imformative vocabulary that imformative vocabulary that engages the reader

  3. Love it best ever

  4. What are temples maybe you could of included what they were?

  5. Your temples are the soft spots on your head just to the side of your eyes. I would loved to have explained a bit more but I had used up every single one of my hundred words!!!! (Liz - Hope's mum)


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