Monday, 10 November 2014

Peter's 100 Word Challenge

Exhausted, horrified and confused the children ran from the Thing! It was huge, over a hundred meters high with thousands of sharp glistening teeth, ten massive blood red eyes, five powerful muscular legs, fifteen long arms reaching towards the terrified children. It shook and shivered in it anger as it tried to catch the children. It viciously ripped branches off trees as they got in it's way. As it shivered, they ran as fast as they could to get away, but it was closing in on them every second. 

It was then that I woke up. Wow, what a nightmare!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like me heading to Forest School in a Monday morning! Fabulous description Peter
    The start really draws the reader in - you should be proud of this Young man
    Mr Warne


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