Wednesday 26 November 2014

Phoebe's 108 WC - The school run

Let us go
My merry men
Off to France
And back again

Yes, off to France
The sun is warm
We shall advance
And weather all storms

The paintbrush paints
our pretty path
Through streets of Worcester
And streets of Bath

We follow on
And mercy be!
Heaven knows if
That's the sea

Paint a bridge
An island, a boat
Something to keep us
Dry and afloat

Over the channel
We take in our stride
And soon we are saying
Farewell to the tide

Follow on
This wonder road
A patchwork quilt
Neat stitches sewed

Hide our future
Conceal our fate
But let's hope for school
We'll not be late!

1 comment:

  1. this poem is very good I really like it


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