Wednesday 11 February 2015

Sophie's 500 wc

The Dog Walk!

“Jane! Jane! Jane where are you?” shouted Mum
“I am in my room”. I replied, 
“Can you take the dog for a walk?” Mum asked 
“Sure” I said grumpily 
“But you do know she will always run off?!” 

Dizzy is our dog, a big black Labrador with a patch of white at the end of his tale. He is always naughty, especially on dog walks, but you can’t really blame him he’s only a pup.

As I got him on the lead I noticed that they had just put a new building over the top of the big rabbit hole, I was quite relieved because that was the hole that Dizzy always goes down but I was pretty certain that he would not be able to squeeze under. We set off at a brisk pace and Dizzy was being good for a change so I decided to let him of the lead then saw a bird, not even Usain Bolt could catch him he sped past our house and into a bush. I ran after him shouting his name he did not hear me or at least he did not respond. I shouted again this time he heard me but instead of stopping by me he ran past me. 

I started chasing him again but when I came to the new building he was gone I searched the bushes but he was still nowhere to be seen. I got down on my hands and knees and looked under and the new house, I could just see the tip of his tale poking out I tried to reach him put he was too far away. I scrambled under and tried to reach him again, I stretched my hand down the rabbit hole but then it slipped and I fell into the earth.

To my surprise I came out in a beautiful wood with wild talking flowers and the leaves on the trees were multi-coloured. 
“Dizzy come hear! “I shouted, but instead of hearing a bark I heard someone saying,
 “You could at least ask nicely!”
 “Dizzy is that you?” I said nervously.
 “Well who else would it be?!" Dizzy said questioning me. 
”I…I… I’ve just never met a talking dog before” I stumbled.
"Well now you have!" Dizzy said crossly “ I buried my bone here yesterday and now I can't find it! Can you help me?" 
"Ok” I said, so we got to work.

We started on a small slope but there was nothing there but then we came to a pile of dirt.  I scrabbled with my hands until my fingers touched something wet and hard,  the bone! I quickly took it out and gave it to dizzy.
“Thanks!” he said as he started chewing on it. 
“We better get back or mum will start wondering where we are!" II told dizzy. We tried to get back up the hole and after but a few attempts we finally made it!

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