Thursday 30 January 2014

Amber's 100 Word Challenge

The story of the gorilla...

My Mum and Dad used to read me this story called the grand gorilla. At first it sounded like a boring old story but in fact it wasn't that boring. So I will read the Christmas part to you now...
         At the highest peak of the tallest, gigantic most colossal mountain range in...London?  There was a grand house and the people who lived in that house were infact a gorilla family!                            One day it was a magical Christmas morning and the youngest member of the family called Ali ran excitedly downstairs and quickly and powerfully started to rip and tear open her biggest present, then suddenly she started laughing.
"YEY its a pink bicycle !" she shouted." It's a pink bicycle !!!"

1 comment:

  1. Well done a really imagintaive piece of writing. Great:):):)


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