Wednesday 26 November 2014

Beulah's 100 WC

My Dream

In my dream,
My path is painted,
The road is clear,
There are no obstacles in the way,
In my dream.

In my dream,
Wishes come true,
Stories are real,
Everyone believes,
In my dream.

In my dream,
Paintbrushes are as tall as skyscrapers,
Grass is purple,
Shadows are blue,
In my dream.

In my dream,
There’s world peace,
Everyone’s friends,
Nothing and no one are badly treated,
In my dream.

In my dream,
Moneys isn’t important,
Families are cherished,
There are no poor or rich people,
In my dream.

In my dream,
Crime is not committed,

I cherish my dream.

By Beulah


  1. The repetition, as we discussed in class, is very clever indeed. I love this piece of poetry as it takes you on a journey and always brings you back to the point of the poem.

    Excellent effort Beulah

    Mr W

  2. Amy Wyche primary school

    well done brilliant work Beulah

  3. Natalie Wyche

    I love this poem. Well done. Its a lovely dream.


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