Thursday 8 May 2014

100 word challenge

Suddenly, Mr Warne turned a deeper shade of red and steam could be seen from his ears, the more red he became, the more he looked like a steam train. When I asked him what was wrong he said that he had lost his iPhone and that the whole class had to look for it. Of course no-one was pleased about that but they knew that Mr Warne couldn't live for one second without his phone. So for the rest of the morning class 4 searched for Mr Warne's phone, but they couldn't find it. Eventually Tilly told Mr Warne to look in is back pocket, and guess what he found!


  1. Well done m-jay good use of punctuation and CAPS

    by oscar

  2. I like it. very funny. it sounds like a very likely situation.
    ollie cooke


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