Friday 6 June 2014

Oliver Cripps 100 WC

Joe was cycling to school and it was pouring. Suddenly he glimpsed a shape in the gloom, it was a bus!  The vines were green snakes covering it and the broken windows were shattered mirrors. Grass grew wild at the base and the bus didn’t look in any condition to drive anymore. It was strange because he was sure that vine-covered old bus hadn’t been there the day before. After the bell went to signal the end of school he took the same route, it was bright and sunny but the side of the road was empty. Had he been hallucinating…


  1. Very good vocabulary.
    by May and Tia

  2. We love your metaphor Ollie!! Darcey and Ben S

  3. Very good vocabulary.
    by May and Tia

  4. I like the way you added suspense at the end amazing ollie

  5. Great story Oliver maybe a bit more punctuation! From Vicky and Laura

  6. the suspence IT WAS A BUS!!!


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