Tuesday 3 June 2014

Finns 100 word challenge

                                                       The bus!!!

  ''Hey come back here now.'' He looked at me. I gazed for a while. His eyes dark were tunnels and my heart skipped, skipped, skipped a beat! Wow, sorry, I had a little bit of a crush on him. My name is Uno Mcfire...weird I know.
As we stepped inside Doctor Circle fell over, we knew we were on for a life of adventure. The bus was full of spiders and snakes and all that kind of stuff. BONES is all we saw, the bones of 10 11 12 13 14 15 years of age we wondered how?


  1. We'll done Finn very scary and good description and I hope you so a part 2

  2. MEGA GAMER BOY77 :)6 June 2014 at 01:36

    That is really good Darcey I loved it because instead of Mr Warne being angry you've made him be happy and the class are happy at the start but then they get mental maths (perfect imitation) Well done



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