Thursday 13 November 2014

Phoebe T's Mum's 100 word challenge

"Sacré bleu! Curse these Paris taxes! Whatever is to become of Grandpapa's business?" lamented Emil's mother, as she and the Hotel des Beaux Rêves' last remaining resident discussed Serious Matters in urgent whispers. 

"Must we accept easyHotel's offer? What would become of this place? Their decor is so... orange! If only we could relocate..." 

Emil, clutching the string of his red balloon in gâteau-sticky hand, stopped counting pigeons and turned towards them. He had always wondered about Monsieur Gandalf, who winked at him conspiratorially and replied:

"No problem is insurmountable, ma cherie. All we need is a little blue-sky thinking..."


  1. I like this even though I don't understand some of the very long words!

  2. Please write me a novel, because I am loving this opener.


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