Monday, 29 September 2014

The Veggie Crocodile by Peter

I was relaxing in my wonderful pond and suddenly there was a man impersonating Tarzan swinging on a rope. What did he expect that I would do, talk to him!? So that was exactly what I did. I slowly and slyly swam beneath the swinging man and using every single muscle in my body I leapt up just in front of him, opened my jaws as wide as I could and shouted “BOO! I’m a crocodile, nice to meet you!” Rather rudely the man just screamed and didn’t reply. I wouldn’t have eaten him, I’m a vegetarian crocodile. Oh well.

By Peter 


  1. Well done. I really liked the story and I want a veggie croc as a pet!

  2. Very funny peter I liked da use of an rhetorical question.
    ollie cooke

  3. I really like that you are the crocodile and not the person. Especially a vegetarian crocodile!


  4. I never thought about a veterinarian crocodile, this one sounds quite friendly!

  5. Very funny! I would like one for a pet!

  6. Peter, that was amazing! I loved the last line. But just a few more commas maybe? 'Part from that it was amazing x 3!

  7. Loved the idea of a veggie croc but maybe you could of included the if,if,if then sentence?

  8. I did not think you would be the crocodile so it was a great suprise to me.


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