Thursday 23 January 2014

Tillys 100 word challenge

Tillys 100 word challenge

“Ready or not, here I come” came a bellowing voice. “But where can I hide? Aghhhh…” Panic attack! I heard rustling; Bert coming to find me. I quickly rushed into the scruffy shed. The second I walked in I knew it was a mistake but I had to face a few tiny mice, otherwise I’d be the all-time loser of hide and seek. I tried to control my breathing whilst Bert’s muffled cries carried on outside. Crouching down I felt something bony and round, way too hard for a football. I picked it up and gaped at an eyeless shape.


  1. We love the pace of this writing, we felt we were in the shed with you! x :-) Ali and Darcey

  2. This was breathless, I was swept along with the action. Great. Miles Chambers


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