Wednesday 17 December 2014

Poetry Slam

On Wednesday 17th December, Class 4 took part in a Skype Poetry Slam with our Malvern Blogging friends at Malvern Parish. We connected at 9.45am via Skype. Ten participants from each school had been carefully selected to take part. Schools took it in turns to share their poetry with the other school attentively listening then giving feedback to the young poet! A nerve-wracking yet very rewarding task indeed! 
Overall it was an inspirational morning and everyone commented how much fun it was, but more importantly how exciting it was to share their writing with a real audience! 

Well done Class 4 and our friends at Malvern Parish! 

Sunday 14 December 2014

Snowball Fight by John Davies!

                                  Snowball Fight

To play this game you must use the mouse pointer to decide the height at which you let go of your snowball. Keep a finger on the spacebar to decide the power at which you throw the snowball.


Tuesday 9 December 2014

National Hour of Code

Follow this link to the Hour of Code Website

All classes at Malvern Wells will be embarking on mini Coding adventures this week all ran by the with the aim of getting pupils involved in Coding.

Friday 5 December 2014

Our class Table-turning limericks have caused quite a stir!

John's Frantic Felix!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Frantic Felix

                                 by John Davies

Use the Left, Right, Down and Up arrows to move Felix around the Baddies. Collect all three keys to be able to access the escape-pod.


Today's Big write stimulus

Thursday 4 December 2014

Cricket Correspondent Report

              WELLS DONE TO THE

                      CRICKET TEAM !

On the 5th November 2014 Mrs Earp took Oscar, Ben, Oliver, Ollie, Xavier, Mani, John and James to compete in a Worcestershire indoor cricket tournament. Our great captain and inspirational leader was Oscar Curtis. We came an honorable 4th out of 5 teams. We played 4 matches against Great Malvern Primary, The Wyche, Callow End and Saint Matthias. We won the first versus St.Mathias by 10 runs, which included a fine catch by John Davies and a brilliant all-rounder’s performance by Oliver Cripps. Ben Scott batted brilliantly but sadly in vain in a close fought contest against the Wyche. We lost the other three matches, but fought valiantly against our opponents. We felt proud of our performance  because we had played to the best of our ability.

By Ollie Cooke, Oliver Cripps, John  Davies and Oscar Curtis