The glistening water pierced my eyes; whilst the blazing sun painfully
shrivelled my skin. Is this my new home?
I cautiously walked to the waving trees, to get wood to make tools to
survive the night. I ran to the mountainous hills for shelter. I hurriedly dug
in to the harsh side of the mountain for shelter then I started to hollow out
my first house.
Terrified, cowering in a corner I looked out, hideous creatures were
crawling around me. The ghastly echo of the screaming monsters pushed me in to
the corner. Then the sun came round, the evil villains busted in to flames, I
was safe.
Razes of sun pierced through the gaps in the wall, I am relieved
that the night was over. After the horrible night I started to get some food. I
crafted a sword to protect myself from the enemies. Carefully I walked through
the door luckily pigs were right outside my door; I killed the pigs and rushed
in to the house. Is this my new life?

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