Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Beth's 100 word challenge

When we arrived at the Aboriginal Centre a lady greeted us at the door and promptly started our tour.  We gazed at all the amazing artifacts, there were ginormous didgeridoos and ancient aboriginal tools.  The lady even taught us some of the aboriginal language.  Just then the lady pointed out and said, “you can look and touch anything you want, just not the boomerang it’s very special!”

The temptation was too great, when the lady wasn’t looking I grabbed the boomerang and took it outside to have a go at throwing.  But as I threw the boomerang it flew off.  The boomerang seemed to have a mind of its own…


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I liked your description of the Centre,I felt like I was there with you!

  3. Well done I think its a really good description

  4. This story made me wonder what happened next. The descriptions were excellent. Louise Smith


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