Thursday 23 January 2014

The Marvellous Shed

I can't wait until I get out of school. 'Play time everybody,' shouted Mr Waren,  'Class 4 on the field!'  I'm  10. My friend's are 6 11 12 9. At the end of the field are a few shed's, my friend's dared me to go and choose one to go in, so that is  what I did left right or middle left I went in. Guess what was in it?  A chainsaw what a dangerous thing, in a school some one might get chopped in half. Middle, in all well most horror movie's middle shed is monsteras. Right. aggggg its got me!!!!!!!!


  1. Well done Finn! Maybe check some of your spellings before you publish next time! :)

  2. Well done Finn really good story :)


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