Monday 24 February 2014

100 words - by Phoebe

Nokaiya was utterly bored - a twenty-six year old comic artist with a blank canvas for a mind. 
Earlier the newspaper had rung with his deadline: Two days. He swung his black dreadlocks and cried with anger, "This is NOT what I pictured when I started doodling. Or joining comic club - not to mention art college..."
Absent-mindedly, he bent over his paper and scribbled a boy. Just a plain boy. The paper started to scrunch itself up and Nokaiya whispered "No..." under his breath. He flew back on his chair and stayed completely still, watching as the boy pressed himself up from the page with black-and-white sketched hands...     


  1. I simply want more - which is your number one goal as a writer! I was absolutely drawn in and now need to know what happens next! You have a gift when it comes to writing and this is something to treasure Phoebe! Keep it up - Please!

    Mr W

  2. I was gripped throughout this piece of incredible writing. You used a range of vocabulary, which was used very efectively!
    Well done

  3. Well done Chibi I really like it. It's really gripping. Great vocabulary I would love to read MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)


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