Saturday 21 June 2014

Tillys 100 wc

The class were screaming and running around the classroom (including Mr Warne).
“What is that THING!” shrieked Darcey, standing on top of the chair.
“It’s a Bigomamara ant: it’s harmless really,” answered Sam 
“Eeeeeeeewwwwww! That was in M-Jay’s pencil case,” bellowed Leah.
Children were piled on tables screaming.
“Mr Warne, call pest control!” screamed Finn
Mr Warne was standing on his desk crying.
Suddenly, Ava entered the room, carrying Monkey: her beloved toy.
She gasped loudly,
“Oohhh, what’s that?” then picked the disgusting creature up and flung it out of the open window. Class 4 went silent in shock.

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