Monday, 8 September 2014

Mr Kedensweller

We sat down. Mr Kedensweller grimaced. "What a bunch of hog warts." He pointed his cane at Henry. "You!" he cried, his eyes bulging.
"Dirt on yer 'ands! And you! Even more dirt on yer 'ands!" He wiped his nose on his sleeve, and with his mucky hands, picked up his cane and pointed it at Henry. "Stupefy!"
"Sir... sir, the wonderful works of harry potter have got to you, sir!" Cried Vicky.
"Nonsense, girl! Now, start chanting..."
"Snape, Snape, Severus Snape DUMBLEDORE Snape, Snape, Severus Snape DUMBLEDORE!"
Vicky grimaced. "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape - "
"VOLDEMORT!" cried Vicky, triumphantly.

1 comment:

  1. I am actually there ... What an imaginative piece of writing which whole heartedly engages the reader! Vicky will be pleased to star in your short story!


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