Sunday 12 October 2014

Peter's 100 word challenge

It was so annoying. I kept dropping it all the time, down the stairs, on the floor, outside and even on one occasion I dropped it down the toilet! Due to my clumsiness I had to buy more and more phones to replace the last phone. but now my mum has found me the perfect phone!Its called the Non Dropable Phone. Every time I press a button a little wire wraps itself round my wrist so that I can't drop it.When I want to put it down I just press the home button and all the wires whizz back inside!


  1. A great idea Peter with ever improving vocab choices and a range of sentence types. You have really thought creatively about how best to tackle this image based task and have come up with a great idea!
    Keep it up Peter.

    Mr Warne

  2. I think you have some really good ideas Peter, I loved this piece of writing. It would be good to own a phone like this.


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