Friday 10 October 2014

The crimson sword

it's tip glistened
The sun blazing on it's edge.
The Scarlett handle spattered with mud and water.
The owner of the weapon drank care freely from the small water sac by his side.
That sword had slay none man, none live creature.
At least, none live anymore.
The immortal evil that sword had killed , the sucking vampires, the demons left by determined souls.
The courage of thee with no heart or life, the courage of a piece of worthless yet priceless iron.
The crimson sword. 
They saluted the killer, the one safe peacemaker, the one who's owner did nothing to challenge thy power, the Crimson sword. 
The power from above that was ignited in thee, but still thee lays lifeless. May you never downfall, never rust, never be overpowered. Thee rest. Thee fight, and then thee rest more. We'll never forget your trusting stories, and thy leave this earth with full confidence in thee.
And the Crimson sword be our saviour, for the end.

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