Friday, 10 January 2014

Ollie Cooke's Australia description

A description of Australia seen by captain cook
"Land ahoy" shouted one of my crew members excitedly. I raced out of my cabin to see what was happening, as I looked starboard I realised. After 2 years at sea we'd finally made it. we stood there 
for minutes in awe. Suddenly the ship jerked violently. "lower the anchor I shouted Jumping into the rowing boat swaying above the wavy sea. As I rowed towards this beautiful expanse of land, I noticed two people on the shore shouting at us in a foreign language and throwing huge stones from the sea whilst threateningly holding spears. I stepped on to the beach and adrenaline rushed through me.  Was I going to to die now with now with nobody knowing? now these two native people were getting closer so I grabbed my rifle and took a shot over their heads. They turned and sprinted away. there were loads of beautiful exotic flowers all around us. It was amazing

1 comment:

  1. I love your adjectives you made me feel like I was there.


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