Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Slippers in the shed

The Slippers in the Shed

I strolled into the shed, as I observed around I saw mums old slippers. I wondered how long they'd been there. I decided to try them on, as I was putting them on, the flowerpot I stood next to began to shrink, a tingling feeling came over me. The table was colossal…  I was microscopic! Aaaaahhhhh!

I looked around everything was a vast expanse of murky objects; I wondered how I got into this pickle. Did I tread on something, touch anything? Then I realised, I put mum's slippers on. Yes! That's the problem, so I took a slipper off...


  1. Exciting story George! Did you go back to your original size once you'd taken the slippers off?

    Mrs Jackson

  2. I would love to read more of this exciting story. Were Mum's slippers stinky? Becky Bristow.

  3. I enjoyed reading this George, you used a good range of punctuation, I loved the the end.MJ


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