Tuesday 18 February 2014

Friend or Foe

Friend or foe is a very heart warming story about a young boy called David who was evacuated to the countryside. Here is the blurb:

Evacuated from London, David and Tucky feel like is 
a long way from their new life in the countryside.
Then one night the skyline of the moor is lit
up with gun flashes, and the distant crump of bombing
miles away brings the war back to them and shatters their 
new-found peace.

A really good book by Michael Morpurgo that you really should have a look at the book, I really recommend this to people of the ages to 7- any age.
by Ella

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ella - really impressed with your latest Blog posts. Our reading reviews zone is really developing! Keep up the great work and I will have to read this one off the back of your review!

    Mr W


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