Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Bunyip by Darcey

The Bunyip
Why he did it nobody knew, or ever will know. He had stolen a Bunyip! A terrible, deadly, repulsive creature as black as night with no visible features, a shape shifter, a death trap! He pondered over this as he strolled back to his camp in the valley, whistling to lift his spirits.
He was happy- he had something to show his wife. In short he was a very ignorant man.
As the men wondered back to the valley they ignored the screams of the distraught mother Bunyip and the strange gushing sound that they couldn’t quite place. It was the sound of the rising flood slowly gaining upon them.
Finally their camp was in sight, but the water was all around them, covering land for miles and miles. The youth slung the Bunyip on the ground and flung his arms around his love vowing to protect her.
Water closed in on the camp menacingly forcing them closer to one another. Suddenly darkness crept inch by inch over the camp cloaking it in black. Black what? Nobody knew or ever will know. A scream rang out; a human scream. If you take a walk to a valley in between vast expanses of water you will find the strangest formation of trees in the world. The strangest of them all are two trees with branches outstretched towards each other.
Legend has it that the trees are actually humans that were transformed when they got on the wrong side of the dreaded Bunyip! What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. well done Darcey that was a fanatastic story of the bunyip and really made me scared. Great :):):)


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