Sunday, 28 September 2014

Laura 100 word challenge

Dear Diary,

If I hadn't gone to the park,if I hadn't gone on the swing,I wouldn't be half gone in hospital. It all started when my best friend Jamie invited me to go to the park with him. I replied with a yes and was happy to go. I then headed to the park to see Jamie and he dared me to go on the rocky rope swing. To you that must seem easy but it's pretty scary as it hangs over croc river. I was determined to do it so I jumped onto the seat of the swing to next find myself in hospital.


  1. i like the way you started it as dear diry and on your title mabe it can be about the picture

  2. this is a really good peice of writing and i really enjoyed your if, if, if, then sentence

  3. Funny and the best use of an if if if then sentence so far, I think... keep it up but sprinkle a few commas in the right places and it will be even better! :-D


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