Friday 10 January 2014

A description of Australia seen by Captain Cook by Sam

I looked up and saw this beautiful land mass. "Get the rowing boat ready! I've seen land!" I shouted, then I leaped straight into the boat and shouted enthusiastically "Go! Go! Go!" Our boat jerked and we stepped out. Some native men were anxiously shouting at us in a strange tribal language. I offered them some goods and they started throwing stones at us. They carried shields and spears and had tribal make-up. I scared them off with a gun shot over their heads. We were alone on a white sandy beach covered in all sorts of new life...
      We had explored 'New South Wales' for quite a while and our botanist, Joseph Banks, had found many new types of plant-life. We had set up camp at New South Wales, and that's where we stayed until our research was completed.

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