Tuesday 21 January 2014

Chloes 100 word challenge

"This is where it happened" shouted Leila to Callum. "What?" said Callum "This is the shed George Clooney lived in" bellowed Leila. "Really?" said Callum in surprise "wow". The two of them stood there in amazement, they were both able to touch the shed George Clooney lived in. In the reflection of the shed window they saw a house, a house that looked like no one was living in it. The house had two long windows and one small window that looked like the kitchen window. They stood in amazement  as George Clooney made his way out of the house!
      By Chloe Moore


  1. Can you give me a call if George Clooney has his old mate Brad Pitt over for supper please. Becky Bristow.

  2. Well done Chloe please could I come to the shed! MJ :)

  3. Brilliant Chloe! I really enjoyed this. By the way I think I was in Homebase when he bought that shed.


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