Monday 7 April 2014

My Friend From The Past by Johnny D.


The 'trip of our dreams' was, in fact, our worst nightmare. Outdoor adventures, while stimulating, may also disturb! Exhausted though I was, nothing prepared for this revelation. If I possessed paranormal knowledge, then maybe I could have avoided this shocking discovery. Jumping into available experiences, never did I stop and wonder at the implausability. Crazily, I leapt into every challenge at the West Malvern centre with no fears. We dormed four in the castle wing: Cookie, Crippsie and the new pupil, Tommy. We were best friends, high-fiving on the king-swing, posing arm in arm for bushcraft photos. Tommy even got me playing midnight-tag along corridors with torches.
As I heaved my travel bag up the driveway I asked Mr Warne why Tommy was late. He stared quizzically and said, "John, you've given a name to rucksack bear already?!" With horror, I turned to see Tommy waving from the treehouse as I gazed from the departing coach window.

                      by John Davies

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