Monday 7 April 2014

The Castle by Johnny D.

                   THE CASTLE

On the cliff edge stood a majestic castle, an ancient pile of rock and partially shattered walls. The hulking ruin had empty battlements. There was a feeling of gloom and desertion. The place smelt evil. It was the type of place that made people quicken their step as they passed. The castle had an open, draughty entrance. The only habitable rooms were bare and graced only cobwebs for decoration. But during the day one was lavished with a landscape of beautiful hills that overlooked a peaceful, meandering river.
We were on a PGL holiday with my class. We slept in the castle bed chambers that first evening. At midnight I felt a cold hand tap on my shoulder. I thought it was one of my dorm-mates, but they were all in deep slumber. Panic hit, for I did not know who or what had tapped me! Suddenly as my eyes adjusted I became horror-struck, and screamed. A headless knight bearing a halberd grinned at me in the dancing shadows. The 'trip of our dreams' was, in fact, our worst nightmare!

                           by John Davies

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