Saturday, 27 September 2014

Vicky's 100 WC

I should’ve jumped off at the other side of the river but as always I was too scared to. Which was a huge mistake because just as the person at reception said there was a load of crocodiles at the bottom of the river and they were obviously very hungry so as I was swinging over for the second time one of them jumped out and tried to eat me...  If I hadn’t went on that swing if I had jumped off at the right time if the crocodile hadn’t been there then I wouldn’t be dead in the river. 


  1. I liked that even though the person at reception warned you about the crocodiles you still did it!

  2. I love the idea Vicky. Iwere did you get the idea from ???


  3. I love the idea !! Were did you get idea of a "reception" from ?


  4. I love your idea of your if if if then sentience

  5. hah! great! specially the if if then sentence. But what was with the ending? It was a bit crazy :R

  6. great concept but you wouldn't be writing the story if you were dead- would you.

  7. I like the way you used the 'if, if. if, then' at the end of the story even though it was a bit grim


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